Our committee


Anne Moehead, OAM PSM


Anne is a Registered Nurse specialising in the field of Psychogeriatrics / Dementia for over 30 years.  Anne was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2006 for services specific to dementia care.  Anne achieved the 2021 Public Service medal: for providing exceptional service to NSW Health since 1973.  Anne is the Chair of the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA) and feels privileged to steer this outstanding committee to make a positive difference for carers and people who live with dementia in our local community.  Anne takes the lead in our DIBA annual symposium, this event is essential to upskill our local community in all aspects of dementia.

Val Schache


Val is a retired farmer and health professional who commenced as a local dementia advocate from 2016 which evolved into Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA).  Val has been instrumental in the foundation and growth of DIBA and is the Co-Chair.  Val was diagnosed with a form of dementia and seeing the community becoming inclusive by reducing the stigma of dementia really matters to her.  Val is passionate about staving off and reducing dementia symptoms for herself and for others.  Val is a member of various committees and research projects relating to dementia; StepUp for dementia research committee, Dementia Alliance International and is a past member of the Dementia Australia Advisory Committee (DAAC).

Meg Pickup


Meg is a retired educator with a strong sense of community and social justice.  Meg cared for a family member with dementia and this personal involvement lead to her interest in improving the quality of life for carer’s and people living with dementia.  Meg is the Secretary for the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA).  Meg brings the spark to the DIBA weekly activity group and works closely with our volunteers to create the schedule and activities designed for inclusivity and fun for carers and people living with dementia.  Every Wednesday following the activity group Meg says that “her heart sings!”

Gabrielle Rodda


Gabrielle has been a member of the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Association since its inception and also has lived experience of caring for a person living with dementia.Gabrielle is a registered Nurse/ Educator with experience in a wide variety of settings.  Gabrielle is the Team Leader for Allied Health and Nursing for TAFE NSW.  Gabrielle has lived experience of caring for a person with dementia and has a strong interest in Dementia Care and raising awareness of Dementia within our community.  Gabrielle strives to ensure that our future Nursing and Care staff are educated on best practice in dementia care and understand the specific needs of their clients.   Gabrielle has been a member of the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA) since its inception, she is known for her

Dr Louise Horstmanshof

Ordinary member – Research

Dr Louise Horstmanshof works in the Faculty of Health at Southern Cross University. Her research activity includes the preparation of the future health workforce and psychological issues of life transitions.  Louise’s work on dementia health literacy is cited in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Health Evidence Network Synthesis Report 65. With colleagues, Louise also completed an evidence check rapid review brokered by the Sax Institute for Dementia Training Australia. This review focused on workforce education and training standards for dementia. Louise is a founding member of the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Inc Alliance and serves on the steering committee as the Research and Evaluation Coordinator.

Dr Sabrina Pit

Ordinary member – Grants

Sabrina is an independent consultant in the area of Dementia, Ageing Societies, Workforce, and Digital Health. She started the Northern Rivers Younger Onset Dementia Support Group. She has published over 90 peer reviewed papers, including the effectiveness of dementia workforce online training courses, international dementia workforce training standards and digital training for carers. Sabrina was an Expert Member in the development of the Australian and International Standard on Dementia Inclusive Communities. Sabrina coordinates and writes grants. She leads program evaluations and the YoD Support Group. Sabrina is passionate about carers and people living with dementia having fun and connecting with people locally, and raising the awareness of what others can do to help.

Kylie Strom

Ordinary member

Kylie is an Occupational Therapist with over 25 year’s of experience in both corporate management roles and private practice.  Kylie works alongside adults with varying physical and cognitive needs and runs an OT specific dementia program; COPE (Care of People with Dementia in their Environments) which is designed to support the carer to overcome daily challenges in managing the person with dementia at home.  Kylie links her program participants to the benefits and offerings of the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA).  As a member of DIBA Kylie aims to enable people with dementia and their carers to live their best lives in our local community.

Susan Burgess

Ordinary member

Susan is a retired Registered Nurse/ Educator who has extensive experience in a variety of settings and specialized roles.  Susan has worked in management of Aged Care Facilities where she was instrumental in commissioning dementia specific areas. Susan has a Bachelor of Arts and is working towards post graduate training in Dementia Care.  Susan has lived experience with dementia in her role as a carer and believes that as a committee member for Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA) and advocate for Dementia Australia she can improve the care provided to those who live with dementia and ensure that that both carers and the person they care for, are able to stay connected to their local community.

Ian Johnston

Ordinary member

Ian is a retired Clinical Geropsychologist.  In his career he became expert in managing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia across many different types.  Ian has extensive experience working firsthand with caregivers and people with dementia throughout their whole dementia journey.  This practical knowledge has given Ian an in-depth understanding of the stress that this diagnosis can cause to all of those involved.  Working for Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA) gives Ian the opportunity to understand the needs of our members and wider community.  Ian is able to share his professional knowledge and experience to make life easier for those with a diagnosis of dementia.

Sandra Signorini

Chair Dementia Advisory Group

Sandra worked in the clothing industry until her retirement in 2008, after which she continued with part-time administrative work. She has traveled overseas and caravanned around Australia. In 2019, when her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Sandra moved back to Ballina to access care resources to assist in his care. Through Dementia Inclusive Ballina (DIB), she found a supportive community that has made her role as a carer easier. Sandra’s combination of work experience, travel, and personal experience as a carer allows her to bring a valuable perspective to her role at DIB. She is committed to supporting the Dementia Inclusive Ballina community.

Kelli Potts

Ordinary member

Kelli Potts is a dedicated professional who holds a Masters of Business Administration, she is the Executive Manager of Operations and Finance at Crowley Care, Ballina.
Kelli has a special interest in the impact of design and living environments on individuals and communities, particularly for creating dementia friendly spaces. Kelli inspires peoples well-being through fostering connections and engagement at all stages of life. Kelli brings her expert executive management skills including organizational governance to the Dementia Inclusive Ballina Alliance (DIBA). Kelli is instrumental in supporting DIBA with innovative solutions and fresh approaches to support people with dementia in the broader community.